Brooklyn College

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  • 9:53 am July 25, 2024 BC Internet Access - Status Was Changed to - "Normal"
    All network closets are currently operational.

  • 1:23 pm July 22, 2024 BC WIFI - Status Was Changed to - "Partially Available"
    BC-WiFi is offline in some parts of Ingersoll/NE due to cabling damage in a TC, impacting floors 0-3. ITS is working on a resolution.

  • 10:56 am July 22, 2024 BC Internet Access - Status Was Changed to - "Partially Available"
    4158 and 6108 Boylan Hall closets are back online restoring network access to the east side. 4108 (west side) remains offline at the moment.

  • 10:00 pm July 19, 2024 BC Internet Access - Status Was Changed to - "Partially Available"
    4108 Boylan TC powered down to prevent equipment damage due to HVAC issue, facilities working to resolve. Impact users on 3rd/4th fl west.

  • 9:22 pm July 17, 2024 BC Internet Access - Status Was Changed to - "Partially Available"
    4158 and 6108 Boylan Hall network closets remain offline due to HVAC issues

  • 10:25 am July 17, 2024 BC Internet Access - Status Was Changed to - "Partially Available"
    6108 Boylan TC is being powered down due to HVAC issues. Users on 6th/5th fl Boylan will be impacted.

  • 3:00 pm July 16, 2024 BC Internet Access - Status Was Changed to - "Partially Available"
    4158 Boylan TC powered down to prevent equipment damage due to HVAC issue, facilities working to resolve. Impact users on 3/4/5th fl east.

  • 2:57 pm July 16, 2024 BC Internet Access - Status Was Changed to - "Partially Available"
    4158 Boylan TC powered down to prevent equipment damage due to HVAC issue, facilities working to resolve. Impact users on 3/4/5th fl east.

  • 10:41 am July 16, 2024 BC Internet Access - Status Was Changed to - "Normal"

  • 3:05 pm July 15, 2024 BC Internet Access - Status Was Changed to - "Partially Available"
    4158 Boylan TC powered down to prevent equipment damage due to HVAC issue, facilities working to resolve. Impact users on 3/4/5th fl east.

  • 11:07 am July 9, 2024 BC Internet Access - Status Was Changed to - "Normal"
    Network closets have been powered back on after heat issues were resolved by facilities.

  • 4:00 pm July 7, 2024 BC Internet Access - Network closets in parts of Ingersoll east and Boylan east offline due to HVAC emergencies. Facilities is working to resolve the issues.

  • 11:03 am July 3, 2024 BC Internet Access - Status Was Changed to - "Partially Available"
    126NE powered down .. affecting Bsmt, 1st and 2nd floor New Ingersoll East.

  • 2:37 pm June 27, 2024 BC Internet Access - Internet in New Ingersoll is back online

  • 12:09 pm June 27, 2024 BC Internet Access - Internet in New Ingersoll partially available due to HVAC emergency. Facilities is working to resolve the issue

  • 12:08 pm June 27, 2024 BC Internet Access - Internet in Roosevelt is back online.

  • 1:21 pm June 26, 2024 BC Internet Access - Status Was Changed to - "Partially Available"
    Internet in Roosevelt building partially available due to HVAC emergency. Facilities is working to resolve the issue

  • 3:14 pm June 18, 2024 BC Network and Server Access - Status Was Changed to - "Normal"

  • 11:06 am June 18, 2024 BC Network and Server Access - Status Was Changed to - "Partially Available"
    Basement, 1st, 2nd floor of Old Ingersoll East partially available due to failed switch. ITS is working to resolve the issue.

  • 10:00 am June 12, 2024 BC Internet Access - Status Was Changed to - "Normal"

  • 2:04 pm June 7, 2024 BC Internet Access - Status Was Changed to - "Partially Available"
    Internet in Roosevelt building partially available due to HVAC emergency. Facilities is working to resolve the issue

  • 2:02 pm June 7, 2024 BC Internet Access - Status Was Changed to - "Normal"
    James building internet is restored

  • 9:28 am June 5, 2024 BC Internet Access - Status Was Changed to - "Partially Available"
    Internet in James building partially available due to HVAC emergency. Facilities is working to resolve the issue.

  • 9:04 am May 31, 2024 General Message - Status Was Changed to - "Normal"

  • 8:01 am May 31, 2024 General Message - Status Was Changed to - "Not Available"
    Blog is having a problem with the iscsi disk.

  • 12:25 pm May 15, 2024 BC Internet Access - Status Was Changed to - "Normal"

  • 11:22 am May 7, 2024 BC WebCentral Portal - Status Was Changed to - "Normal"
    BC Webcentral is up and running.

  • 10:56 am May 7, 2024 BC WebCentral Portal - Status Was Changed to - "Not Available"
    ITS is investigating the issue

  • 12:01 pm May 6, 2024 BC Internet Access - Status Was Changed to - "Partially Available"
    We are experiencing partial internet access in Ingersoll Hall. ITS is investigating the issue

  • 10:57 am April 29, 2024 BC Internet Access - NetOps is performing upgrades on the TC closets in Ingersoll Hall. Internet connectivity intermittently unavailable during this time.

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